Welcome to Fitness Advantage​!
​ Imagine a perfect body -- lean, strong, balanced, flexible -- the ultimate in fitness and symmetry. Attaining such perfection is Sand Kam's mission.
Sand utilizes a repertoire of thorough knowledge and skill, and applies it with an uncanny "sixth sense" to individuals who seek his expertise. His unique philosophy, methodology and unceasing support has the greatest influence on your physique.
Early physical training taught him to appreciate the human form and, over the next thirty years, has produced an innovative fitness philosophy, incorporating body awareness, balance and power, blended with cutting-edge high-intensity training.
Customized programs integrate strength, endurance, power, balance and flexibility into a holistic regimen specific to all modalities.​
![]() Latorya WattsMs Figure Olympia |
![]() _DSC7131 |
![]() Anne Marie KamIFBB Physique Pro |
N.A.S.M. - Dr. BobDr. Bob Goldman, Head of the IOC (Drug Testing) & Pres of NASM. Sand Kam top 3 US national exam. |
Hawaiian vacationA hard day at play |
BOSU SquatsKrista and Kris having fun at Boot Camp Moms squat/balance drill. |
![]() Agility courseRoger Condos ripping it up on Agility Course. |
Boogie boarding in HawaiiDoing what he loves! |
![]() The infamous "Dairy Block"Paul Fenley trying to keep up with Katie Rowlett. |
![]() Spinal cord trauma rehabTerry Corris learning to walk again! |
![]() Photoshoot in HawaiiIFBB Pro Anne Marie Kam lookng glamorous on the beaches of Waikiki. |
Marine D.I. guyOtherwise known as "beat 'em Bob" |
More challenging . . .Katie Rowlett getting extra attention from the trainer during a plank drill. |
Body Boot CampEveryone having fun with the 1-2-3 drill at Hayward. |
Agility CourseMat Sand taking a shot at the Agility Course record set by his buddy Sean McCartin. |
Rehab fun!River Kennedy working on upper body function exercises. |
Basic biceps curlsSheldon Johnson pushing through a strength training circuit. |
Agility CourseWarming up for the "20 Square" challenge. |
One of the top trainersTrainer of many elite pros, Mr. Charles Glass. |
Lessons from a legend!Having fun at the track with the legend himself, Reggie Pridmore. This guy sure can ride! |
![]() Body Boot CampField drill warm-up |
Still time to smileEven during a sweaty circuit, Marcia Edwards can't help but be gorgeous! Not too bad for a business woman with an MBA! Smart, beautiful and fit . . . wow! |
Advanced rehabTerry Corris learning to negotiate loose gravel and uneven ground. Impressive for sure. |
Boot Camp MomsTriple Treadmill Push drill. This one gets your heartrate up! Way up! |
Boston MarathonJacque Morgan setting a PR at Boston! |
Plyometric challengeKate and Maryalice attacking the "10-step Pyramid" jump drill. |
Wants glutes???Squats are a must! Debra Basile enjoying a Smith Squat drill. |
Warmin upDr. John Stringer and Brenda Betz getting ready for the big circuit. |
Enjoying a breakTraci Shojai always looks good, sweat and all! |
2-time BBC winnerBoot Camp winner Teresa Potterf getting ready for an Abs drill. |
Eugene Marathon finish lineLegendary marathon coach Joe Henderson with LynDee Rousseve at the finish line of her very 1st marathon! |
Kill shot!Spiker Kate going up for the kill! |
Plyo jump drillSheldon and Paul ripping it up in Boot Camp! |
Cool down stretchWhew! Finally a chance to catch your breath. |
Written exam???Yikes! What kind of trainer gives written exams? |
Ready, set . . . go!Start of the Dairy Block Run! |
Warming upRobin gettng ready for another 90-minute Boot Camp drill. |
Agility courseTeresa doing the last of 10 events - the weighted Sled Pull |
Push! Push! Push!Hey! When do we get to turn these on?!? |
Hayward WeekThe infamous Ninja Bleacher Drill |
Top of Chambers hillPaul Fenley and Sheldon Johnson getting to the top of Chambers Street in under 10 minutes. |
Agility coursePaul trying to break the course record by dving through the Tunnel Crawl drill. |
Boot Camp winers!Tracie Shojai, Paul Fenley, Katie Rowlett and Teresa Potterf. All multiple Boot Camp winners! Awesome group! |
In the woods . . .Carol Lasley peeking around a backyard tree. |
Ninja BleachersSilent bleacher lunges drill. |
Agility coursePaul getting a srong start at the Agility Drill! |
Terry walking again!"Don't make me put down my Coffee!" |
Strong finish!!!Sean McCartin executing a blazing finishing kick at the end of the Dairy Block run! |
New Year's EveTurbo and Virgi all dolled up at the New Year's Eve staff party. |
IFBB Pro AMKAnne Marie Kam winning her Pro card! |
Back in the day . . .Sand, a hundred years ago, at UO Table Tennis Team practice. UO took 2nd in the Pac-8 that year. (Don't ask what year!) |
The Boot Camp guyDoes this guy even know what kind, sensitive, and nurturing is? I don't think so. |
225# squatAMK in action! Not bad for a girl! |
Eugene MarathonLynDee Rousseve at the finish line! Yay! |
Body Boot CampKatrina an Roger Condos putting on a "gun show" for the troops. |
Thank God! We get another break! |
BOSU plyosHector showing off his athletic skills! Oh, yeah! |
Intervals!!! Yay!!!Walk the turns, sprint the straights, walk the turns, sprint the straights, walk the turns, sprint the straights . . . how many times? 20? . . . . Really??!!? |
More intervals!Katie Rowlett showing Roger what a sprint really looks like. |
Ninjas with a flair!Paul and Katrina doing bleachers with style! |
Chambers? . . . again?LynDee and Sheldon cresting the top of Chambers. |
Agility coursePaul killing the Tire Drill! |
Isle of Man TT raceJimmy Moore showing the world how to win the Iceman Rookie of the Year award! |
Portland Int'l RacewaySand trying to follow Jimmy's instructions. |
Treadmill funLinda Richman doing what she loves most! |
Spinal cord trauma rehabMark Walton standing and walking for the first time in 3 years! Red letter day! |
Trainer instructionsAddie Lou prepping Elaine and Nancy. |
"Easy breezy Heartbreak Hill"Teresa Potterf killing it at Boston Marathon in 3:34! |
Shooting for BBC adOk, that's pretty darn good abs, if you ask me! |
Contest ready . . .Wanna get serious? We can do serious! |
Suzuki motorcycle adWanna do glamorous? We can do that too! |
AMA #1Jimmy Moore racing with the well-deserved "Number 1"plate. 2-time (back to back) AMA National Champion! |
Eugene MarathonPassing the infamous 25 mile mark! Almost home! Yippee! LynDee Rousseve with Sand and AMK. |

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